Chris Giddens

Count Active People in Planning Center

Count Active People in Planning Center – Yes, It’s a Thing!

Can you track attendance in Planning Center? Yes, absolutely. But that’s different from knowing how many people are active in church. Active people in church are much more valuable and dictate their involvement in serving, tithing and many other areas. Let me break it down. What’s the difference between a count for attendance and a

Count Active People in Planning Center – Yes, It’s a Thing! Read More »

Power in the Testimony

Power in the Testimony

Did you know there’s so much power when we share what God has done? It’s called the power in the testimony! In Revelations 19:10, it says “…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” At my church, Bethel Austin, we celebrate the testimony of what’s happened in people’s lives almost every day. It’s

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